Light Offering and prayer resolve the dispute with my neighbor
– Jing Jing, Boston, MA

In Mid-February, I filed a lawsuit against my neighbor. Trees on his yard had grown to our yard and blocked our view. We spoke to him about it. He was unreasonable and he refused to trim the trees. On the court date, I did light offering at Boston Bodhi and wished that he would agree to trim the trees so the issue could be resolved with ease and peace.

That day, he did not agree. Strangely, he contacted my lawyer two weeks later about agreeing to trim the trees. Last Thursday, he hired tree specialist to handle it. Me and my husband were so happy.

Light Offering is simply amazing. When people are unable to accomplish something, All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would help us. With sincerity, it would all work out. All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are everywhere with us. So grateful.

Note: Meditation results varies according to each individual.