My blood sugar level is back to normal!
For 5+ years, my blood sugar level was abnormal. Average 130-150 (Normal level is 60-100.). Doctor prescribed medicine to lower the blood sugar level. It treated the symptom but not the cause of the problem.
In January, I participated at Boston Bodhi Online Energy Healing Session through a friend’s referral. When I slept at night, I would place the blessed energy napkin (blessed through the Center’s teacher that contains blessings from All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and Grandmaster JinBodhi.) under my bed sheets. I also practiced G.I. at home and chanting with sincerity. One week later, I did not take any medicine to lower my blood sugar level and the number had already lowered to 94 (within the normal range). Another week later, it lowered to 89. My 5+ years of high blood sugar level was lowered so simply and at ease! I am so happy!
In addition, many people mentioned that the booster shot could bring major side effects. Some felt unusual arm pain. Some need to take pain medicine. Some need to rest in bed for 1-2 days. I had my booster shot 2 weeks ago. Afterwards, I drank blessed water everyday. I could not believe that I felt great and I had no discomfort.
My wife works at a hospital. She was covid positive 3 weeks ago. That Saturday, my wife attended online Energy Healing and drank the blessed water. Three days later, she had 2 tests at the hospital and the results were negative. Now, my wife continues to work 12-15 hour per day full of energy. No one would think she had covid.
Very grateful to Grandmaster JinBodhi, all healers and volunteers at Boston Bodhi! Grateful to Boston Bodhi for hosting the Online Energy Healing Program! I hope more people will join and attain health and happiness.
Note: The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.