#Wellness, #CohnsDisease, #GERD, #LiverCirrhosis, #ThyroidProblems, #COPD, #A1AD, #BipolarDisorder
In the past 20 years, I have suffered from multiple illnesses include Cohn’s disease, GERD, liver cirrhosis, thyroid problems, COPD, A1AD, bipolar disorder, etc.
At one point, I was hospitalized due to renal failure. Starting in 2013, I joined group practice on and off.
After attending Bodhi’s Chanting Retreat in 2015, there were improvement in mood swing and test results for lung and liver functions. I participated in Bodhi’s 8.5 Day Health & Happiness Retreat in 2016. Better sleep quality and more energy as test results continue to improve. Some are back to normal level!
The atmosphere at Bodhi Meditation is always friendly, warm and supportive. I hope others would benefit from Bodhi just like I did.