九月二十五日星期天,波士頓菩提禪堂在Castle Island舉辦了因疫情暫停兩年的戶外禪修活動!
With excitement, Boston Bodhi presented the Castle Island Outing on 9/25, Sunday. The event was postponed for 2 years due to the pandemic. Beginning early in the morning, volunteers came to the location with joy and great anticipation to make preparation.

Beginning early in the morning, volunteers came to the location with joy and great anticipation to make preparation.

海風吹來陣陣秋意,伴隨著絲絲寒意。但大夥們的熱情卻沒有受到絲毫的影響!每個人臉上都露出開心燦爛的笑容!時隔兩年的戶外禪修活動又一次讓新老同修們聚會在這風光明媚的Castle Island,真是令人欣喜萬分!
As the sea breeze blew, Fall is in the air. Although there was a slight chill, it did not affect the enthusiasm. Everyone was smiling. After a 2 year hiatus, everyone was delighted to come together at the beautiful Castle Island.

We began with Energy Bagua which all Bodhi practitioners enjoy. Everyone happily practiced Energy Bagua under the guidance of teachers. Passersby felt the great vibe and joined us.

After Energy Bagua, it was time for lunch. Practitioners enjoyed the marvelous dishes prepared by volunteers while having a great time catching up. Later, practitioners shared testimonials about their experiences and benefits of Bodhi Meditation. During the testimonial sharing time, the center presented lucky draw/raffle and everyone was thrilled. Winners all said what a great event this was. It was good for health while enjoying the pretty view plus presents!

我82歲的母親,她之前有嚴重的頭暈,三個月左右,頭暈消失了,心情也變開朗了,身心靈都獲得提升,也更加的健康了!她也是每天堅持走八卦,至今6年。感恩師父的妙法讓我們受益良多 !
活動的尾聲,大夥們在大光明修持法的身心靈洗滌下吉祥圓滿!同修們紛紛表示,能來風景優美的海邊禪修,真是令人身心舒暢!神清氣爽!大家很開心的表示今天收穫豐盈,滿載而歸!並紛紛相約明年Castle Island見!
Below are the testimonials from practitioners:
Dharma Sister Chen:
I have been helping my son to take care of his child recently. My left leg has been in pain. After today’s Energy Bagua practice, I am amazed that the pain is gone. The result is great! I am very delighted to join this outing.
Dharma Brother Huang:
Before coming to Bodhi, I suffered from severe allergy. I would be sneezing year-round and had to take medicine. In 2016, I started to practice Energy Bagua. After a year of Energy Bagua practice, my allergy is basically gone! After persistent practice for 2 years, I no longer take allergy medicine and said goodbye to sneezing. I have kept up with Energy Bagua practice for 4 years. Very grateful to Grandmaster for helping me with allergy.
My 82 year old mother was suffering from severe dizziness. She has been practicing Energy Bagua for 6 years. After she started to practice Energy Bagua for 3 months, the dizziness has disappeared. She has become much happier and healthier. Her body, mind and spirit have all been transformed.
Grateful to Grandmaster for bringing us so many benefits.
Also, we had new participants who joined the practice for the first time. Two individuals were only going to try 20 minutes but they were surprised that they did it for 45 minutes. In addition, a new participant from Brazil felt at ease and joyful after practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination. He mentioned that he would come to the center often.
As the activity came to a close, our bodies and hearts were full of positive energy as we practiced the Meditation of Greater Illumination. Everyone talked about how comfortable and relaxing it was to practice by the ocean. It cleared the mind and body. Everyone was delighted to attain so much in one day. Let’s do this again next year!
Grateful for the effort and dedication of all Teachers and volunteers to make this activity a success.